Music in Communication Contexts
How is music impacted by intercultural communication contexts? We established that music and culture are mutually exclusive. With that said, they are impacted by the framework surrounding communication. What are those ways? Scroll to read more:
Music can be heard anywhere and everywhere: on your radio, television, smartdevice, public places and venues. Sometimes music is the main focus, and other times, it can be used as background sound.
Music is an art that’s enjoyed by everyone. People can come together to enjoy music, whether it’s listening to the radio or a live performance.
Music is the art of sound- and it can get loud. Different times of the day will determine what’s appropriate for sound levels.
In order to musically perform, one needs to use motion (such as clapping) or an instrument to create sounds. In order to learn technique, practice and listening is key.
To play music for listening purposes, one needs the proper equipment or devices. Depending on quality, music can be heard clearer or muddled.
Music plays a key role in psychological states. The sounds and lyrics may influence emotions, perceptions and behaviors. Music is used to set the tone for public places, events and ceremonies, and it is often used for therapeutic work and programs.
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