With a Little Help from My Friends

With a little help from my friends: 

I would be remiss if I never discussed the tremendous help from my friends when it came to putting together Making It Here and There. KGDS for his production work, everyone who has participated, anyone who provided the introduction for a participant and everyone who gave me advice….it has truly taken a village. 

The hardest part is asking for help. The hardest part is admitting you are lost, confused, unsure or flat-out angry with the process and the progress. Everyone wants to see you succeed. And unless you have terrible friends, they will support your endeavours, whether it’s a podcast, blog, business venture, career change or life change. Just a simple plug on IG Stories can make a difference! 

So I ask you: How do you ask for help? And how do you help your friends?

I’ll talk more about ways to support your circle in a Reels this week

Image description: Allison is holding up a photo of her friends from when they studied abroad.


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