What is culture?
In my attempt to summarize a complex topic, I tried to ensure that Geertz’s theory was conveyed in a high level manner. I barely scratched the surface on the breakdown and nuances he articulated in his book; and as such, I referenced it below for your reading pleasure. However, the main thought is there, and I wanted to ensure that I touched on the WHY.
...And I hope that was clear! I’m not the type to tell you what to do, BUT one thing I strongly encourage is recognition, understanding and appreciation. It’s okay if you do not agree. You’re not expected to in every scenario with every person.
While I know this may come off as utopian, or just vague, it’s because it’s a complex topic. My mission is to supplement these concepts with concrete examples (such as the hand gesture Reels).
Did you enjoy this carousel? Let me know in the comments! I’d be happy to work on another one if this interests you.
Geertz, Clifford. 1973. The Interpretation of Cultures. New York: Basic Books.
Image description: A carousel explaining culture.
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