Being Your Own Cheerleader
Here’s a piece of interviewing advice I was given years ago:
“Imagine that your friend is interviewing for this position. You would mention all of their achievements, amazing qualities and reasons why they would be the perfect fit. Now do that for yourself.”
I don’t know about you- but I am not my biggest cheerleader. I play out all the scenarios why I’m not adequate enough for...whatever it is. But, then I remember this: I may not want to be my biggest cheerleader, but if I don’t cheer for myself, then who will? Not that I need to “fake it ‘till I make it”; rather, have the combination of passion and will to do the task. The passion is the desire, and the will is the work-through to get what it takes.
Of course, there will be hiccups, but that’s where research and organization come into play. Write down your achievements and goals. Bring it all to the table.
Image description: Allison is sitting on the Iron Throne and being completely royal.
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