How is food impacted by intercultural communication contexts?

In yesterday's post, we established that food and culture go hand-in-hand. While we understand food as a source of nourishment, it doesn't exist in that space alone. There are contexts that surround our choices (or lack thereof), and in not shockingly, the same ones that surround frame communication. Here they are below:

Environmental: Climate, soil and topography are the major factors for agricultural food growth.

Physical: After food is growth and slaughtered, it needs to be packaged, distributed, marketed and sold to the masses. 

Psychological: As humans, we must consume nourishment for survival. However, there are various factors that play into consumption: availability or scarcity of foods, health considerations, religion, body image, addiction, taste and flavor profiles, etc. 

Temporal: In reality, any food can be consumed anytime during the day. However, society designates timeframes and routines for consumption and certain foods are consumed during these set times. 

Social: What’s something everyone has in common? We all have to eat! Food brings people together as part of daily routines, dates, gatherings, celebrations, holidays and any other reason to solidify connections and networks.

You're not expected to have this deep thought process next time you eat your next meal or snack. But, what we choose to eat (or not to eat), when to eat it, where it came from and how it makes us feel aren't stand alone concepts. These contexts help us understand food as a commodity, routine and origin. 


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