Making It Here and There

Happy New Year, fellow readers. It has been some time since I updated the blog, and for no fault other than my own writer's block. I actually have five drafts for posts in Blogger, but I can't find a good way to present them on here. My frustration has led me to abandon them (for now) until the time is right (write?) to get the words. I can't promise anything in the near future, but I do hope that by writing even in a journal will bring about more posts on here.

In the meantime, I have also been working on the passion project that I have posted about last year which I named Making It Here and There. It's been quite an interesting last few months putting together the hardware and software to make these interviews look and sound professional (and yet DIY). I have already recorded one interview with Marissa Gutierrez-Vicaro, Founder and Executive Director of ARTE, and I am still seeking more interview candidates. While there has been expressed interest, I am having trouble getting them to respond to the pre-questionnaire and/or agreeing to be on camera. I may have transcriptions posted on here in lieu of video interviews, but I would like to get this off the ground and running.

Right now, I am focused on getting the word out on the project itself, and making it a viable presence on social media (mainly Instagram, but I will be linking a lot on here, too). Who knew creating an online presence would be so challenging. As I've stated in my very first post, I did everything in my power to remain anonymous and in the shadows of the online world. Nowadays, I am seeking for my writings and this project to be recognized.

I am optimistic about the future of the project, and I hope that by continuing to talk about it, I will be able to bring awareness and presence of mind. I will continue to keep you all posted on this new adventure.


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